Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Pennsylvania German Folk Art

I would like to introduce you to Pennsylvania German folk art. Before we do any art work or projects, we need to know more about the Germans who settled in Pennsylvania in its early beginnings. The best way I know for you to learn about them and their art is to ask you to help me make a PA German Folk Art Museum either in school or a virtual one here on the web. I will assign you a partner in class and you will do a webquest and make a piece of art in the style of the PA Germans.

Check out the helpful links for April assignments here on the blog.
You can see the rubric for this assignment listed too.
Any time you have any questions, go to the Linntown Art Place Wiki and post them in the Discussion and Questions area. I already put some questions there for you for our three April assignments.

What is PA German Folk Art?

See some PA German Folk Art.

Assignment: Do PA German Folk Art Webquest

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